Importance of air washer

2 min readJun 9, 2021


An Air washer is one of the devices used for air conditioning. In an air washer air comes in direct contact with a spray of water and there will be an exchange of heat and mass between air and water. The outlet condition of air depends upon the temperature of water sprayed in the air washer. Hence, by controlling the water temperature externally, it is possible to control the outlet conditions of air, which then can be used for air conditioning purposes. In the air washer, the mean temperature of water droplets in contact with air decides the directions of heat and mass transfer. The heat transfer between air and water droplets will be in the direction of decreasing temperature gradient. Similarly, the mass transfer will be in the direction of decreasing vapor pressure gradient.
In climates where the air is extremely dry, an air washer can work to increase humidity. Dry air can be hard for people to breathe. It can also contribute to the development of skin and many damaged objects in the environment.

The air washer removes particles from the air and adds an injection of humidity to keep the climate at a steady humidity level for increased comfort. Simply using a fan to draw air over a container of cool water can scrub the air and make an environment more pleasant. Air washers draw upon this basic concept. The design can include extra features like filters to trap harmful particles to increase the purity of the air. Like other devices that clean air, an air washer can eat up a lot of energy.

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The following two most important functions:

They humidify the air and they clean the air by washing it with water. I would say these air purifiers & humidifiers are the healthiest types of air purifiers as they do not use any chemicals. There is no mist, there is no filter the water itself is the filter. The water traps particles from the air, and they are collected in the tank. This is essentially cold air humidification, just to know these devices formally belong. This is why I have included a number of them in my list of cool mist humidifiers without filters. This also implies one important feature: with such air washers the air can never be over-humidified

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